Interesting Facts About Brazil.

Dr. JW Collins
2 min readNov 18, 2022


  1. There are more than 400 airports in Brazil.
  2. Around 60% of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.
  3. Sex change surgeries are free under Brazil’s public health system.
  4. Rio de Janeiro was once the capital of Portugal which meant it was the only European capital located outside of Europe.
  5. Rio de Janeiro was named in error. A Portuguese explorer thought it meant ‘the mouth of a river when in fact it means January River.
  6. Brazil is one of the world’s most bio-diverse countries. It is estimated to have about 4 million plant and animal species.
  7. According to Trip Advisor Brazil is home to the world’s best beach.
  8. Brazil shares a border with every South American country with the exception of Ecuador and Chile.
  9. Brazil was the only independent South American country to send troops to fight in WW.
  10. Brazil’s national dish is feijoada which is a black bean stew with dried, salted, and smoked meat.
  11. Brazil’s national drink is known as a caipirinha (it is delicious).
  12. Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of coffee.
  13. Brazil is South America’s biggest and the world’s fifth-largest country.
  14. The country covers three time zones! Brazil is also the largest country in the Southern hemisphere as it is bigger than Australia.
  15. Mandioca (yuca or cassava in English) is one of the staple foods of Brazil, produced in all 27 states. Tapioca also derives from this root vegetable. Brazil is the second biggest producer of mandioca, only behind Nigeria.
  16. Cow farming in Brazil is so valuable that a prize bull can be worth up to US $1 million. The farms in Brazil can occupy huge amounts of flat land highlighted for the cattle to graze freely.
  17. Brazilians love chicken hearts so much that despite producing 6 billion chickens a year, they occasionally still have to import extra chicken hearts. The BBQ treat comes on skewers.
  18. Two-thirds of the Amazon rainforest lies in Brazil. The Central Amazon Conservation Complex is the largest natural reserve in the world and protects a region of 6 million hectares.
  19. Though the Amazon is most famous for its ferocious piranhas there is a giant that lives in the Amazon basin. The Pirarucu can reach 3 meters in length and breathes air, though it can stay underwater for 30 minutes. This allows the fish to hunt in water that is low in oxygen.
  20. The biggest slave population in the world was in Brazil, which imported approximately 4 million Africans into slavery. Historians believe this to be 10 times more than in the USA. Furthermore, Brazil was the final country to abolish slavery in 1888.

So there you have interesting facts about brazil, have you ever visited brazil? or are planning on visiting let me know in the comment section, please follow me for more great content until next time peace.

