Dr. JW Collins
2 min readFeb 18, 2023
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories.

I must emphasize that conspiracy theories often lack evidence and are not based on scientific facts. However, there are some conspiracy theories that people still believe in, even though they may seem absurd to others. Here are some of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that people actually believe:

The Flat Earth Theory: This theory posits that the Earth is not a sphere but a flat disc, and that the space agencies and governments are hiding the truth from the public. Flat Earthers believe that the curvature of the Earth is an optical illusion, and that all photos and videos of the Earth from space are doctored. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some people still believe in this theory.

The Reptilian Elite: This theory states that a secret group of reptilian humanoids control the world's governments and institutions. Proponents of this theory claim that these reptilian beings disguise themselves as humans to blend in with society, and are responsible for all the world's major events and disasters. This theory has been debunked by scientists and experts, but it still has a following among some people.

Chemtrails: This theory claims that the government is secretly spraying chemicals in the air using airplanes to manipulate the weather, control the population, or for other sinister purposes. Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this theory, some people still believe that the contrails left by planes in the sky are evidence of chemical spraying.

The Moon Landing Hoax: This theory states that the Apollo moon landings were faked and staged by the government to win the Cold War. Proponents of this theory claim that the footage and photos from the moon landing were created in a studio, and that the astronauts never actually went to the moon. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some people still believe in this theory.

The New World Order: This theory posits that a secretive and powerful group of individuals is working to establish a global government and a one-world currency. Proponents of this theory claim that this group is responsible for events such as 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2008, and that they seek to control the world's population through mass surveillance and other means. Despite the lack of evidence to support this theory, some people still believe that a new world order is imminent.

While these conspiracy theories may seem ridiculous to many people, they still have followers who passionately believe in them. It is important to approach these theories with a critical and skeptical mindset and to base our beliefs on scientific evidence and factual information.